早前傳媒揭發有露營車公司喺大嶼山芝麻灣郊野公園範圍內砍伐1公頃林木,政府竟只對犯案者罰款$500,較早前民政署亦配合開路讓工程進行【註1】,開發郊野公園邊陲已係政府默許下打開序幕, 而改變整個大嶼山面貌嘅,何止係露營車之類嘅旅遊設施。
與「露營基地」有聯繫嘅係西南方不遠處嘅長沙水上樂園。雖然《總綱圖》無提供具體資料,但參考2018年10月公佈嘅《大嶼山康樂及旅遊發展策略》(《發展策略》)【註3】,大嶼南嘅水上樂園將模仿Wibit模式,即「巨型充氣水上樂園」。參考外國例子,一個Wibit 設施可以容納60人【註4】,多個Wibit 設施即容納數百人,必定帶來大量旅客及嚴重污染,對貝澳長沙海底珊瑚及生態,以及大嶼南寧靜鄉村社區嘅影響,當然無具體交代。
-大東山索道(funicular):即類似山頂纜車,由大蠔灣接駁至通往大東山的現有山徑,破壞大東山的特殊科學價值地點(Site of Special Scientific Interest),日後只要搭纜車就可以直達「打卡熱點」,十幾年之後大東山芒草極可能絕跡。
翻查港英政府解密文件,郊野公園自1970年代成立時,其中一個最大目標係設立康樂設施畀香港人及下一代永續享用(that the amenity and recreational value may be enjoyed by present and future generations of Hong Kong),為達致呢個永續目標,必須以保育為手段【註6】。
為維持一個在康樂設施發展與保育之間「敏感平衡」(sensitive balance),郊野公園在成立之初即有思維慎密嘅康樂規劃(Recreation Planing)。根據漁護署前助理處長王福義所撰寫嘅一篇學術論文【註7】,康樂規劃既原則為下:
(1) 喺適當嘅地點發展適當嘅康樂設施(right kind of recreational development takes place in the most suitable locations)
(2) 喺設計上減低發展康樂設施與保育之間嘅潛在衝突(minimise potential conflicts between the interests of recreation development and countryside conservation)
所以每個郊野公園均有公園規劃圖(park plans),大致將園内分為6大區,並因應每區嘅地理或生態決定發展,抑或不發展康樂設施:
(1) Wilderness zone :顧名思義,荒野缺乏現代人造物,屬真正嘅大自然,不應發展任何康樂設施。
(2) Extensive zone : 比Wilderness zone次一等,仍屬偏遠地方,保留未被發展的形態,適合提供行山徑以及路標等簡單嘅設施,大欖郊野公園植林區、芝麻灣半島、大東山為此類。
(3) Dispersed zone:位於交通方便之處,設立家樂徑等等一家大細親親大自然的設施-涼亭、燒烤爐等等,西貢黃石碼頭屬此類。
(4) Intensive zone:位於交通方便之處,或郊野公園入口位置,適合大型團體到訪,除咗燒烤爐等設施,還有遊客中心、廁所等等,北潭涌屬此類。
(5) Adventure zone:因特殊地貌如山谷、溪澗引伸出來嘅特殊康樂潛力,可興建戶外活動中心、青年營地等等,該處對於康樂的考慮能夠大於保育。
(6) Special Activity zone: 較為稀有,取決於特殊地貌引伸出來嘅特殊康樂潛力,例如越野單車、攀石牆等,《發展策略》建議的「快感與刺激」活動屬此類,這些活動通常很嘈吵,與其他郊野公園康樂用途不匹配,建議只在局限嘅位置,例如廢棄礦場(abandoned quarries)進行,而不是《發展策略》提倡嘅石璧水塘。
以上種種跡象令人擔心,以往郊野公園「管理保育為手段、永續康樂為目標」嘅方針是否已被殺雞取卵般、掠奪式嘅「大眾旅遊」(mass tourism)思維取代?為何選擇在明日大嶼及跨境基建落腳點旁落「第一刀」大搞旅遊發展?
【 #搞乜郊野 】郊公主題樂園狂想曲:https://bit.ly/35EkdUx
Hong Kong Free Press 14 June 2021 Investigation: HK$500 fine after Hong Kong landowner cleared trees in Lantau country park:https://bit.ly/3d3J1td
風火山林【芝麻灣事件】郊野公園斬樹「無皇管」 私人地成法規漏洞:https://bit.ly/3ieibBO
蘋果日報 2021年6月15日 大嶼山芝麻灣萬平方米樹林遭砍伐 漁護署放生僅罰$500:https://bit.ly/3zv06Wp
【註2】《 大嶼山保育及康樂總綱圖》及《大嶼山遠足徑及康樂設施計劃》:https://bit.ly/3pXVrI4
【註3】《 大嶼山康樂及旅遊發展策略》:https://bit.ly/3xqNYE8
【註4】Business Insider. 11 July 2012. This Awesome Inflatable Obstacle Course Holds 60 People:https://bit.ly/2S06KmF
【註7】Wong, F.Y. (1988). Recreation Planning in Country Parks. Planning & Deveopment Vol.4 (No.2), pp.62-68.
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同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過48萬的網紅Lanna Jr.,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Side Quests - Conflicts of Interest - Smoke Over Water - All Eyes on Us - Lost Happiness - The Ostrich ***สปอนเซอร์*** ร้าน Jimmy Gameplay จำหน่ายเคร...
conflicts of interest 在 李怡 Facebook 的精選貼文
Conservatives and Liberals | Lee Yee
In the 1960s and 1970s, the American Civil Rights movement, the anti-Vietnam war movement, and the European movement were in the rage. At that time I was still young, and saw that in Western ideologies there were the liberals and the radicals. The middle-aged and older people were mostly liberals, and young people were mostly radicals. Nobody called themselves conservative at that time. It was as if there was a consensus that society should reform, that being conservative means not progressive. It was not until 1979 and 1981 when Prime Minister Mrs. Margaret Thatcher and U.S. President Reagan came to power and implemented conservative policies, succeeded, before the British and American politics went back to being traditional. However, the yearning for equality brought about by these civil movements has since become the mainstream driving ideology and consciousness in Western academics and media.
In the United States' two parties, the Republicans are generally considered conservatives, and the Democrats are liberals. Of course, there is mutual influence and infiltration into each and among each other. There are no generally accepted standard definitions for liberalism and conservatism, for they reflect socio-ideological trends and political practices of politicians.
Liberalism basically has four pillars: one, it recognizes that there are unavoidable conflicts of interest and beliefs in society; two, distrust of power; three, that people are progressive, and subjectively promotes the progress of human civilization; four, regardless of people’s ideology, identity, race, gender, or sexual orientation, they should be respected and accepted for their diversity, minorities are tolerated, and equality is pursued.
Conservatism is by no means an antonym to the pursuit of freedom. Both Mrs. Thatcher and Reagan are the most resolute guardians of freedom; conservatism does not deny power, but emphasizes that power must be monitored, checked and balanced.
In terms of welfare policies, liberalism pursues equality, protects minority rights, protects disadvantaged groups, and promotes and enhances social welfare. Since the increase in welfare would come from government spending, therefore there have to be tax increases. It is not like conservatism disregard the disadvantaged groups, but rather, it believes that there can be no true equality except before God and a fair court. It must first recognize the various differences and groups in people, and the pursuit of equality regardless of differences will only create new inequalities. If society eventually moves towards the equal distribution in socialism, people will move towards the path of slavery. Conservatism does not oppose welfare, but rather, it believes that charitable organizations, churches, civic organizations, or foundations should help the weak and helpless in society. The government ought to provide only policy assistance from the side, because if the government is to lead welfare, it will lead to excessive governance and intervention, and the price to pay will be an increase in taxation, leading to inflation. One of the founding spirits of the United States is that everyone is self-reliant. For those with the ability to make their own living to rely on government welfare for a prolonged period will actually make people live a life without self-esteem.
Liberalism seeks equal distribution from anti-discrimination, anti-difference, and equal opportunity, which is a road towards socialism. Conservatism does not seek rapid progress,; it believes that customs, conventions, and continuity should be followed. Ancient customs allow people to live together in harmony; those who destroy customs can destroy beyond what they want to destroy. The Cultural Revolution revolutionized the fate of culture. Conservatives also do not oppose social progress, but progress will not fall from the sky. If certain parts of society are progressing, other parts usually are declining. A healthy society must be both “enduring” and “developing”. For society to sustain endurance for a long time, there must be lasting faith. If that cannot last, the root source of righteousness will collapse.
In order not to interfere with people’s freedom, conservatism advocates small government, deregulation, tax reduction, in an attempt to create an environment conducive to the operation of private enterprises. Before Reagan was elected, both society and the economy were in difficult situations. The Americans hoped that Reagan could save the economy when he came to power, but in his inauguration speech, he said, “Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem.” Loosening up, reducing taxes, and adopting inaction, Reagan rejuvenated the U.S. economy.
Despite advocating for small governments, successive Republican governments, from Reagan to Bush to Trump, have increased military spending and maintained a strong military power; the Democratic Party’s Obama, on the other hand, wanted to be tolerant of totalitarian countries and cut military spending. Reagan developed a space war plan, and Trump developed the space army, because they believe that neither democracy or totalitarianism is people’s choice between different systems, but between people’s choice or the system imposed upon them by those in power; it is the difference between righteousness and evil, no middle ground, no moral relativism. Goodness must become the strong one, or else evil fascism will encroach, control, and ultimately defeat you.
conflicts of interest 在 決戰中環 Facebook 的最佳解答
同賜官開咪, 講到一個好冷門嘅資料。
就係有位印度嘅諾貝爾獎得主, 講過 "新聞自由" 同文明社會嘅關係。
唔好就咁講過就算數, 各位可以自己跟進研究一下。
Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics, Amartya Sen
A society that is guaranteed access to public documents and public decision-making processes is able to bring conflicts of interest to light and empower citizens with information about development processes. This is greatly supported with a strong right to information law that enables the citizenry, including the news media, to easily access information in the public domain speedily, freely and readily.
香港曾幾何時, 人均刊物比例位列全球最高。不過似乎又冇乜人將呢個咁重要嘅信息進行科學分析。
極有可能, 係香港人由於享有新聞自由, 才有強大的經濟表現。而不是本末倒置, 以為香港人先是富起來, 才值得享有新聞自由!
賜官見多識廣, 可以現身說法: 當初香港戰後百廢待舉, 難道當時報刊資訊就會水平低下乎?
conflicts of interest 在 Lanna Jr. Youtube 的最佳解答
Side Quests
- Conflicts of Interest
- Smoke Over Water
- All Eyes on Us
- Lost Happiness
- The Ostrich
ร้าน Jimmy Gameplay
เฟส https://goo.gl/hlnyY3
ช่องทวิช: https://www.twitch.tv/lannajr
เฟสบุ๊ค: https://www.facebook.com/LannaJr
แฟนเพจ: https://www.facebook.com/LannaJr.Fanpage

conflicts of interest 在 Conflict of Interest Definition - Investopedia 的相關結果
A conflict of interest occurs when an entity or individual becomes unreliable because of a clash between personal (or self-serving) interests and ... ... <看更多>
conflicts of interest 在 Understanding Conflict of Interest 的相關結果
A conflict of interest occurs when an individual's personal interests – family, friendships, financial, or social factors – could compromise his or her judgment ... ... <看更多>
conflicts of interest 在 Conflict of interest - Wikipedia 的相關結果
A conflict of interest (COI) is a situation in which a person or organization is involved in multiple interests, financial or otherwise, and serving one ... ... <看更多>